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Charley Jeaudoin Memorial Fund gift updates shelves, heater for Lewis River Mobile Food Bank

A recent gift from the Charley Jeaudoin Memorial Fund enabled the Lewis River Mobile Food Bank (LRMFB) to replace sagging shelves with new wood and purchase a heater for the warehouse.To learn more about Messiah's relationship to the LRMFB, and how the Food on the 4th ministry works (Charley was an active participant), click here » A gift from the ...

  356 Hits

5 reasons you are invited to play with the contemporary worship band

  Charles is looking for musicians and vocalists to add to Messiah's contemporary worship band.  Here are five reasons you should consider being a guest with the band! You are a strong singer looking to put your talents to use.You play a solo instrument, such as saxophone or electric violin.You enjoy worshiping through music.You love...

  417 Hits

Giving thanks after a tough year

It's been another brutal year at so many levels. The poison of polarization, distrust, and personal attack pervades our politics. COVID-19 continues to loom large over every day of our lives. Fires, flooding, hurricanes, blistering heat, and social unrest punctuate the year. How I wish we could turn the clock back ten or twenty years...

  729 Hits

Dirt Day at the Intern House 2021

A group of 14 volunteers help spread topsoil at the Intern House on Nov. 7, 2021.

  368 Hits

As weather cools, bundle up when coming to worship

As the weather outside gets colder and wetter, Messiah would like to remind those attending worship to do their best to dress warmly if possible.  Due to COVID-19 precautions, the windows and doors of the church will remain open to assist with good ventilation. That means the inside of the church may be a bit colder than we are used to at this...

  792 Hits

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