Upcoming Events

New Practices for In-Person Worship during the Omicron Surge

In response to the current Omicron COVID surge, we are adopting precautionary steps below for Sunday worship to keep everyone safe and comfortable. For the next couple of weeks, we are suspending refreshments before and after services.Holy Communion will be received using elements in pre-packaged communion packs, with worshipers remaining seated in...

  648 Hits

Pr. Kathy's book club discusses "The Lager Queen of Minnesota" February 2

Zoom link to this event » This month Pr. Kathy's book club will be reading  the Lager Queen of Minnesota by J. Ryan Stradel. Pr. Kathy facilitates stimulating conversation among Messiah's book club participants each month, drawing upon overarching themes from various storylines in each book. She also provides theological perspective. Lack of c...

  308 Hits

Endowment committee grant requests due February 15

Last year, the Endowment Committee dispersed around $34,000 for many different projects and needs. This amount was actually money from TWO years, instead of one, since nothing was dispersed during the height of the Pandemic. As we move into 2022, it is important for folks to realize that we will have a much smaller amount of money this year, roughl...

  533 Hits

16 gallons of oil and many lives touched: Volunteers work to settle Afghan refugees

by Janet Borst Last Thursday evening, one of our intrepid volunteers braved the aisles of WinCo food to purchase the staples needed for 32 incoming Afghan refugees. That included 16 gallons of cooking oil, 80 pounds of flour, 48 large cans of tomatoes and so much more that it filled 3 shopping carts. To say she may have bitten off more than she bar...

  670 Hits

Music and ministries position posted. Discrete or combined job positions available

Messiah Lutheran Church seeks one or more people to direct and lead worship and music ministries. One person may combine the job positions into one larger position. Various tasks may also be flexed into one of the other two positions depending on the gifts and skills of the employee. Full Job Descriptions Dir. of Worship and Music »Worship Leader a...

  1175 Hits

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