Messiah News

Tuesday Prayer Breakfast (6:00a) and Wednesday Adult Class (7:00p) begin new 7-week study on 'Seculosity' on June 2 & 3

Tuesdays at 6:00a  |  Wednesdays at 7:00p  |  Facilitated by Pastoral Intern Taran & Pr. Peter  |  7-week study begins June 2 & 3   The Tuesday Morning Prayer Breakfast Group and Wednesday Adult Class groups requested a summer read that would be "light and fun." This request comes following the g...

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Update: Campaign is fully-funded in four weeks. Church Leadership Team and pastors commit to providing live stream of weekend worship even after COVID. You made it happen!

Updated on June 13, 2020.  Upper Level Goal: $20,000  Received: $22,500  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! by Pr. Peter | There isn't a week that that passes when Kathy and I don't get an email, text, or phone message, asking, "Will we continue live streaming worship from Messiah after the threat of coronaviru...

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Brewed Theology - 05.14.2020 - Cleaning Up after Covid

The life-changing magic of thoughtful post-pandemic living.   One-time-only on Thursday, May 14, 2020   7:00-8:30p (you may arrive as early as 6:00p) RSVP registration required. Click here to register. Synopsis Marie Kondo popularized the idea of keeping only those things that bring you joy and getting rid of the rest. We've los...

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Reflections on Seeds by Janet Borst

Janet leads the team responsible for distributing the congregation's benevolence money in the form of grants. They see their work as "planting seeds." Here, Janet puts an interesting spin on this springtime process. - Pr. Peter It's spring, and like all would-be gardeners, I've purchased my seed packets with thoughts of a bountiful harvest. I have,...

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Messiah Preschool is going online

by Joyce Handran, Messiah Preschool Director | "We miss you and want you to know how much you are loved!" This is the message the preschool team hopes all Messiah preschool students and families hear loud and clear. We at Messiah Preschool believe that the best learning methods for preschoolers are play-based and experiential. S...

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