Messiah News

All worship services (both campuses) and onsite church activities are suspended until further notice

A Message from Pastors Peter, Kathy, and Lenny, and The Church Leadership Team Quick Take All worship services (both campuses) and onsite church activities are suspended until further notice.Messiah Lutheran Preschool is suspended until Monday, April 27.Online worship, small groups, and service opportunities are coming soon. There is no fear i...

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Ladies' Night Out Postponed

Tifffany and Liz have decided to postpone Ladies' Night at the bingo parlor scheduled for Friday, March 13. We were looking forward to having fun with everyone and trying something new but feel this is one unnecessary event we can remove. This decision comes with the intention of keeping Ladies Night stress free, safe and fun! We want to ...

  487 Hits

Parenting the Love and Logic Way® begins April 16, 2020

To register, contact Liz Bailey, Dir. of Children's and Family Ministries.   Would you like to feel more confident at parenting?Would you like more fun parenting?Would you like to fee more relaxed at the end of the day? Love and Logic® is a parenting program designed to provide practical skills that can be used immediately. Love ... ...

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Care for Each Other as the Coronavirus Spreads - A Message from Prs. Peter and Kathy

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads, it is certainly prudent to take reasonable precautions as we gather for worship, classes, small groups, and events. The healing ministry that Jesus modeled for us includes basic care for one another as well as care for ourselves. In that spirit, here are the things we are doing at Messiah.Continuing to Worship...

  823 Hits

One Month of Me

Greetings y'all. I was talking with Doug Ruecker at a recent meeting, and it occurred to me that most of you may wonder what the average month of a Mission Developer Pastor looks like. I mean, it all seems very mysterious, right? Pr. Lenny is running around and creating a new church out of nothing?!? What does that even mean? So, here is a list of ...

  1095 Hits

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