Dear Friends, In 2002 the Vancouver/Clark county faith community took a leap of faith and began The Winter Hospitality Overflow [WHO] ministry. The WHO is located at St Paul and St Andrew Lutheran Churches. The ministry provides 80 of our most vulnerable neighbors a safe, warm, and predictable place to rest. We operate during the coldest and wettes...
Sign up using this link » to receive your designated date and time to arrive for worship on Mondays and Tuesdays during Lent. Charles Reinmuth invites you to the sanctuary at 6:00pm at Messiah's Hazel Dell location for a unique 20-minute evening prayer service centered on "Holy Cross" Services take place weekly on Mondays and Tuesday...
Are you worried about someone else's drinking? Al-Anon is a fellowship open to anyone who feels his or her life has been affected by someone's drinking, either currently or in the past. All family members or friends are welcome to attend Al- Anon meetings in order to decide for themselves whether Al-Anon can benefit them. There are free, online Al-...
Messiah will be hosting a drive-thru Treat Street event on Sunday, October 25, from 4-6pm. Everyone is welcome. We encourage you to invite your friends. Spaces in the parking lot will be marked out and decorated for a safe and fun fall event for kids. Messiah's Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries, Jessica Potts, needs volunteers willi...
Charles Reinmuth and the choir invites the whole congregation to engage in a new experiment: Let's plan worship music together! Whether you're a natural Mozart or you simply tap your foot to tunes you know and love, your presence and input at this special event is most welcomed and encouraged. This experiment will take place via Zoom. Charles, Mess...