Upcoming Events

Shrove Tuesday Party Packs. Pick up yours at the Drive-thru Communion on Feb. 7.

You are invited to participate in Messiah's congregation-wide at-home Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday pancake celebration on February 16! There are three steps to participating. 1. Let us know you'd like to participate by using this online sign-up »We'll put together a Shrove Tuesday Party Pack just for your household that w...

  478 Hits

Drive-thru Communion on Sunday, Feb. 7. Receive your Shrove Tuesday Party Pack, Ash Wednesday ashes, and Lenten season bag. Bring your Food on the 4th and WHO items.

Drive-thru will begin at approximately 11:00a | Messiah's pastoral team and staff members invite you to participate in a drive-thru Communion experience on Sunday, February 7, rain or shine. As the livestream of worship ends, drive to the Hazel Dell campus parking lot ... - for an in-person Holy Communion experience - to receive individual prayer f...

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Neighborhood Dinner Ministry Takes Shape. You can help.

Please share this opportunity with both those who might benefit by receiving a weekly dinner or assisting the ministry. An outreach to those experiencing food insecurity in our own backyards | Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? - Mt. 25:37b Messiah's local...

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Pr. Kathy's Book Club will discuss "How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents," Wednesday, 02.03.21

First Wednesday of each month | 10:00-11:30am via Zoom. Direct link to this Zoom meeting » Pr. Kathy facilitates stimulating conversation among Messiah's book club participants each month, drawing upon overarching themes from various storylines in each book. She also provides theological perspective. Lack of conversation is never a challenge as eve...

  476 Hits

Semi-Annual Meeting of the Congregation, Sunday, January 31, at 11:00am - Register to receive the Zoom link and Bulletin of Reports

To register, and you must, please click here » Thank you for making plans to attend this twice-a-year Meeting of the Congregation. Once registered, Office Administrator Sally Dost will email you the Zoom link for this online event. A few days before the meeting, you will also receive an emailed .pdf attachment of the spellb...

  620 Hits

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