Charles Reinmuth and the choir invites the whole congregation to engage in a new experiment: Let's plan worship music together! Whether you're a natural Mozart or you simply tap your foot to tunes you know and love, your presence and input at this special event is most welcomed and encouraged. This experiment will take place via Zoom. Charles, Mess...
Tuesdays at 6am | Wednesdays at 10am | "The Christian [person] is a completely free lord of all, subject to none. The Christian [person] is a completely dutiful servant of all, subject to all." - M. Luther Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther wrote a treatise titled "The Freedom of a Christian." In it, he offered his most compelling su...
Drive-thru will begin at approximately 10:45a Messiah's pastoral team and staff members are offering the option of drive-thru Communion and a whole lot more at the Hazel Dell campus this Sunday, September 20. As the live stream of worship ends, they invite everyone who would like: - an in-person Holy Communion experience- the oppor...
Connect in-person with your friends from Messiah | Event begins at Hazel Dell Campus | Come to the Drive-thru Communion and stay for the Walk You're invited to join Theresa Zimmer and other Messiah members in a socially-distanced prayer walk around the neighborhood near the Hazel Dell campus. We'll depart from the church at 11:50a a...
As recovery and support efforts begin for Oregon communities severely impacted by fires, Messiah is immediately partnering with the Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice (IMIrJ) organization of Oregon. Its executive director, Alaide Vilchis Ibarra, is the former policy director of the ELCA's advocacy office in Washington, D.C. Forgotten in much...