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Semi-Annual Meeting of the Congregation, Sunday, January 31, at 11:00am - Register to receive the Zoom link and Bulletin of Reports

To register, and you must, please click here »

Thank you for making plans to attend this twice-a-year Meeting of the Congregation. Once registered, Office Administrator Sally Dost will email you the Zoom link for this online event. A few days before the meeting, you will also receive an emailed .pdf attachment of the spellbinding Bulletin Reports as well as a link to the same document published on Messiah's website.

Included in the agenda will be the election of new members to the Church Leadership Team, the Endowment Committee, and next year's Nominating Committee. Officers will share calendar year-end financial reports and Pr. Lenny will be updating the congregation on Jubilee Collective.

President of the Congregation, Tim Dahlin, will conduct online voting processes using a feature within Zoom. The process allows only one vote per digital device, so if multiple members of your household will be voting, it will be most beneficial to attend the meeting using separated devices. Short of using various devices, anyone may call into the meeting via phone, participate in the discussion, and register their vote. If you need to call into the meeting, please contact Charles Reinmuth, and he will provide the necessary information and numbers to participate.

The meeting is open to the entire Messiah community. Only confirmed members may vote.

When you receive the Zoom link, please do not share it on your social media platforms or with others not registered for the meeting. Thank you.

To register, and you must, please click here »

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