Upcoming Events

Braafladts' Sending and Celebrations scheduled for late August

Sending and Celebrations for Prs. Peter and Kathy Braafladt are scheduled for late August at both Messiah North and Messiah Hazel Dell. Look for more information in the near future. Sunday August 21st 9:00am Messiah North There will be a Sending ceremony at the Worship Service at Windy Hills Winery.  Plan to stay for refreshments and enjoy an ...

  565 Hits

Messiah North to begin worshiping in event tent May 29

Messiah North will start worshiping in the outdoor event tent at Windy Hills Winery  beginning May 29 at 9:00 am for the summer. Come enjoy the the best landscape of any congregation in the Pacific Northwest and worship with us in the fresh air and great outdoors!  It is suggested worshippers bring a light coat or jacket in case of weathe...

  380 Hits

Ministry Site Profile team invites your feedback, next forums May 22

The next in-person forums are scheduled for May 22 following worshipat both Messiah North and Hazel Dell. The same questions will be used as in previous forums, but all are welcome to participate. Steve Friebal will be moderating. You may contact him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Additionally, the Ministry Site Profile team requests your feed...

  414 Hits

Graduation Recognition Sunday June 12 10:30am service

Graduation Recognition Sunday June 12 at the 10:30am service Messiah would like to recognize all high school, college and higher education graduates. If you or a family member would like to participate in the celebration, please fill out the Graduate Recognition Form and return it to the main office by Wednesday, May 25. Please contact jessicap@mes...

  306 Hits

Worship Choir forming through mid-June

After what has been a long hiatus, we are pleased to announce and invite you to participate in the re-formation of the worship choir at the Hazel Dell campus.  Weekly rehearsals begin this Wednesday (May 18) at 7:00p.  Messiah member Barb Gibson has volunteered to direct. Merry Jensen will serve as accompanist. Barb is raring to go with t...

  427 Hits

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