Messiah News

Messiah Community continues to assist with resettling Afghans in Vancouver area

During the period of December 2021 through February 2022, Messiah helped Lutheran Community Services Refugee Service division settle 120 Afghan in the Vancouver area. We provided 5 days worth of food - both staples and fresh food - to tide the families over until they were able to apply and receive the federal benefits that would sustain them for a few months while they sought employment to become self-sufficient. Messiah members also were airport greeters, provided transportation for shopping and appointments, collected and distributed furniture and coached people on the driver's examination and helped them through school and DSHS registration

After February, the Federal government granted Lutheran Community Service Northwest a short reprieve from incoming refugees. The LCS Refugee services needed time to find permanent housing for the folks who had already arrived, help find employment, English lessons, wifi connections and all the details of life that we have managed over time and in familiar language and situations.

Since May we have helped an additional 20 refugees including two large families which include 8 children aged 4 months to 13 years old and a grandma and grandpa. Initial information from the federal government was that we would be receiving an additional 25 refugees this summer, but a recent conversation with the manager of the incoming refugees indicated that number could increase.

Thanks to some generous donations by members and an Endowment grant we should have sufficient funds to meet the needs of the additional arrivals. We could use your help with buying and delivering food as vacation time has limited the current crew's availability. If you are interested, please contact Janet Borst at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the office and Janet will get in touch with you. As always, your prayers are needed for the refugees and volunteers.

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