Upcoming Events

Join Jubilee Collective for "First Round" June 21 at Trap Door Brewing

Thank you for celebrating Pride Month with Jubilee Collective at both campuses last Sunday.  Jubilee Collective is excited to announce our upcoming gathering opportunity, entitled First Round.  This is a chance for ALL people interested in Jubilee Collective and its mission to hang out, share some food, and get to know each other, often i...

  283 Hits

One Mile Mission updates: Items needed for Jason Lee Calming room, preschool needs bicycles

 Jason Lee Middle School is opening a calming/focusing room for students and is in need of some items for the room. They may be dropped off at the church office during business hours or brought to any worship service.  Contact Jessica Potts (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for more information.  Items needed include: Drawing/art suppl...

  236 Hits

Cookies for Sundays

Do you want to help with worship? Do you like to bake cookies? Do your kids or grandkids like to bake cookies?  Saturday, June 24th, is the next opportunity to help bake cookies for coffee time on Sunday mornings.  We will meet in the downstairs kitchen at Hazel Dell campus. All ingredients will be provided. Fun and laughter will be share...

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Passing of the Peace reintroduced to worship beginning June 11

Traditionally, we have a pattern for worship, our practice of Holy Communion, that has four basic elements - gathering, word, meal, and sending. This structure allows for freedom and flexibility in the ways worship may be shaped locally, while focusing on what the church holds in common: the means of grace: the saving word of God and the sacraments...

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COVID Update

My wife Gretchen and I live in a co-housing condominium. There are 39 of us, 55+, living in intentional community. You'll not be surprised to hear that we've been having the same kinds of COVID conversations Messiah Lutheran has been having over the past three years. Gretchen, with her Masters Degree in Nursing, has been an active and interest...

  261 Hits

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