Upcoming Events

'One Coin Found.' A 4-week study of Emmy Kegler’s book that examines Luke’s ‘lost’ parables in light of the author’s self-discovery and church experience as a gay woman.

Led by Pr. Peter and Intern Pr. Katie  Via Zoom Tues. mornings starting Jan. 4 at 6:00a. Via Zoom Wed. mornings starting Jan. 5 at 10:00a.  Pr. Peter and Intern Pr. Katie invite you to an auto-biographically based re-examination of Luke, chapter 15, by Emmy Kegler. Kegler is an ELCA pastor who serves Grace Lutheran Chu...

  784 Hits

Charles Reinmuth resigns to take new position in Spokane

Charles' final day at Messiah will be January 31, 2022   The Church Leadership Team (CLT) and pastors were saddened to receive a letter of resignation from Charles Reinmuth at their monthly meeting last Tuesday (12.07.2021). Charles has accepted the position of Worship Coordinator at St. Luke Lutheran Church (ELCA) in Spokane. If you're a...

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Courage to Love. Courage to Live. Courage to Give.

Courage to Love. "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'" – Jesus, Mt.22:37b-39Stewardship is the way in which we use all of the resources that God has entrusted ...

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Meet and Greet Opportunities with Jae Bates - Monday, Nov. 22

Jae is the new pastoral intern for Jubilee Collective   Pastors Peter and Kathy invite everyone from the Messiah/Jubilee community to attend one of two "Meet and Greet" opportunities with pastoral intern Jae on Monday, Nov. 22. The sessions will be at 11:00a and 6:00p at the Hazel Dell campus. We anticipate each gathering to last 30-45 mi...

  610 Hits

Giving thanks after a tough year

It's been another brutal year at so many levels. The poison of polarization, distrust, and personal attack pervades our politics. COVID-19 continues to loom large over every day of our lives. Fires, flooding, hurricanes, blistering heat, and social unrest punctuate the year. How I wish we could turn the clock back ten or twenty years...

  739 Hits

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