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Don't forget to set your clock forward an hour this weekend. Daylight Savings Time begins at Sunday, March 13 at 2:00 a.m.
We are square dancing at Messiah! On every Saturday the Buzzin' Bees Square Dancing Club is offering square dancing lessons. The lessons are at 6pm in the gym at Hazel Dell. The lessons are free and open to all Messiah members and friends. Then, every 1st and 3rd Saturday, the Buzzin' Bees are meeting for dancing. They meet after the lessons at 7 t...
The Quick Take Holy Communion will again be offered at the altar rail at the Hazel Dell campus and in the round at Messiah North. Refreshments will be served before and after worship. March 12Masking becomes optional inside Messiah's buildings and worship spaces, including the Dorothy Link Building that houses Messiah Preschool. The Det...
March Food on the Fourth Requests The items listed below are the items that are most needed at the Ridgefield Neighbors Helping Neighbors Food Bank. Canned Fruits of all kindsOne can meals (chili with meat, ravioli, spaghettios, stew, pork-n-beans etc.) Jams: strawberry, raspberry grape etc.Baby wipes, diapersFeminine hygiene products Of course, an...