Upcoming Events

Messiah and Jubilee observe Pride Month starting this Sunday, June 5th

Messiah and Jubilee Collective mark the start of Pride Month with special prayers and refreshments this Sunday, June 5, at the Hazel Dell campus. 

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Kids 3-11 welcome to join in for Wednesdays @ Messiah starting June 22

Kids ages 3- 11 are welcome to join this summer for a time of Bible Stories, Crafts, Games and Fun during Wednesdays @ Messiah! June 22, June 29, July 6, July 13 from 9:30 - 11am in Messiah's gym. Parents and guardians can use this time to run errands or to connect with others over provided coffee and treats.  Volunteers will also be needed du...

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Braafladts' Sending and Celebrations scheduled for late August

Sending and Celebrations for Prs. Peter and Kathy Braafladt are scheduled for late August at both Messiah North and Messiah Hazel Dell. Look for more information in the near future. Sunday August 21st 9:00am Messiah North There will be a Sending ceremony at the Worship Service at Windy Hills Winery.  Plan to stay for refreshments and enjoy an ...

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Messiah North to begin worshiping in event tent May 29

Messiah North will start worshiping in the outdoor event tent at Windy Hills Winery  beginning May 29 at 9:00 am for the summer. Come enjoy the the best landscape of any congregation in the Pacific Northwest and worship with us in the fresh air and great outdoors!  It is suggested worshippers bring a light coat or jacket in case of weathe...

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VBS is back! Mark your calendars for July 25-29

VBS is Coming! Mark your calendars! Please mark your calendars for Messiah VBS, July 25 - 29, 2022. There will be a preschool program for children ages 3 (but must be age 4 by August 31, 2022) through 5, which will be held at the preschool, and an elementary program held at the church for those entering grades 1-5. This year we will have staff...

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