During the week of Independence Day there will be many closures and changes as staff and group leaders take a well deserved break. The church office will be closed July 3-7. The voicemail in the office will be checked daily to provide call backs in the event of emergencies. Other closures: There will be no Wednesday bible study.Faith and Fibers are...
Last Sunday, June 18, we looked together at Jesus' assessment that the people around him were "harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd." I suggested that this was "political commentary" in the spirit of the prophet Ezekiel who lambasted the political and religious leaders of his day for failing to care for those most in ...
Laurie Sykes has accepted the position of Messiah's Administrative Assistant, working in the front office. Laurie recently moved to Vancouver and has been very involved in the Lutheran Church. Please stop in and say hi the next time you are at Hazel Dell. Welcome Laurie!
Marcella Gowan attends services at Messiah North and currently works at Linfield University as an associate professor in the School of Nursing. Over the past 40 years she has spent significant time in Africa. " In my former life I was a long-term missionary nurse-midwife living and working in East Africa, even raising our kids abroad. We adopted tw...
I'm sure there must have been a time in pre-human history or whatever when sheep did just fine without shepherds. I mean, they must have been wild at some point, wandering around feeding themselves, living in little flocks or 'family' groups or whatever. I have no idea, I'm just pretty sure they didn't evolve as a domestic food source. But ent...