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Messiah Bids Farewell to Daniel Ortman

The Church Leadership Team and pastors announce that Daniel Ortman, Assistant Worship Leader, is moving on. Because of the "Stay Home, Stay Healthy" order, we have missed Daniel's performances over the last few months.

It was our great privilege to be able to enjoy worship with Daniel's creative and imaginative guitar playing, singing and performance. We appreciate all the ways he has contributed to Messiah's contemporary worship and have been especially grateful for the involvement of his family in the work and worship at Messiah.

Daniel was principally responsible for leading Saturday evening service at the Hazel Dell campus and Sunday morning service at Messiah North in Ridgefield, both in contemporary music style. He also assisted with services at Christmastime, during midweek Lenten services, and outdoors on Easter.

The Messiah community is blessed to have received the gifts and God-given talent that Daniel so generously shared with us over the last 4½ years. We thank him for his service and wish him well in his next endeavors.

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