Upcoming Events

Christ Bearers Ministry to Resume

After a year hiatus due to Covid, Christ Bearers will again bring Holy Communion to Messiah's homebound members following worship on Sundays. After pastors have blessed the bread and wine on the altar, volunteers go to the homes of shut-ins and offer a brief service of Holy Communion. The extension of the Meal is deeply meaningful for both the Chri...

  420 Hits

New Developments to In-Person Worship: No Sign-Up required + Masked Singing allowed

It has been such a joy to experience the return of in-person worship at Messiah's Hazel Dell the past three weeks! Thank you for observing the COVID rubrics and hanging in there with us as we try to make it as seamless as possible.   No More ReservationsThis week, and moving forward, we will experiment with no longer using the sign-up res...

  669 Hits

Pr. Kathy's Book Club discussing "The Midnight Library" this Wednesday, May 5

First Wednesday of each month | 10:00-11:30am via Zoom Direct Zoom link for this book club meeting » Pr. Kathy facilitates stimulating conversation among Messiah's book club participants each month, drawing upon overarching themes from various storylines in each book. She also provides theological perspective. Lack of conversation is never a challe...

  390 Hits

Materiality as Resistance – A new study facilitated by Intern Pr. Maggie and Pr. Peter. Not too late to check it out. Only in its second week.

Tuesdays at 6:00a | Wednesdays at 10:00a | RSVP required via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | a reading/class schedule is below Intern Pr. Maggie and Pr. Peter invite you to join them in reading and discussing the latest book by distinguished North American theologian Dr. Walter Brueggemann titled "Materiality as Resistance." Commentators ha...

  710 Hits

Holy Week at Messiah 2021

04.01.21 - Maundy Thursday 6:00p Livestream Worship Service »  04.02.21 - Good Friday 10:00a In-Person Worship Service - reserved seating required - reservation form »10:00a Livestream Worship Service »6:00p Online Worship Service » 04.04.21 - Easter Sunday6:30a Outdoor In-Person Sunrise Service behind Eisenhower Elementary School - ...

  462 Hits

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