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All Under One Roof - Combined Campus Worship, Sunday, June 27

One of Messiah's tag lines is "one congregation | multiple locations". The line works at so many levels and groupings of people.

As coincidence would have it, two of Messiah's weekend worship groups won't be worshiping on June 26-27. Pr. Lenny suspended Jubilee Collective's in-person worship at the downtown Vancouver YWCA site during his vacation, and Windy Hills Winery previously booked an event on the morning of June 27.

The pastoral and staff team saw an opportunity to try something. Hence, an invitation. We invite everyone from Messiah North, Jubilee Collective, and Hazel Dell campuses to worship together—All Under One Roof—at the Hazel Dell campus at 9:00a on Sunday, June 27. It will be a kind of family reunion.

We've relaxed almost all of the restrictive COVID-related rules we've had to observe throughout the winter and spring, so there will be plenty of room and space for everyone to gather safely and feel comfortable. Just a note, however. With Governor Inslee set to announce the complete reopening of the state sometime after the June 26-27 weekend, this combined service will happen under the current requirement for wearing of masks. But don't fret. We've got plenty of them. :)

We look forward to seeing you there.

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