By Dave Brauer-Rieke on Thursday, 20 October 2022
Category: Blog

Of Wine and Wheat

​Holy Communion - The Eucharist (Thanksgiving!) - is a sacrament of the Christian faith. We receive it with joy and awe. Yet, it is a mistake to separate the sacrament from the choices of everyday life. This Sunday we will read Isaiah 25:6-8​ and 1 Cor 11:17-34​. These texts speak to blessing and responsibility. Give them a looksie before worship if wish.

This week our communion bread has been made for us by our Confirmation Youth. This project was part of our class on the Old Testament Story of the Exodus, where our tradition of using unleavened bread comes from. Thank you to our Hazel Dell Minister of Welcome, Julie Bracken, who helped with his project. Julie usually makes the bread for our celebration herself. 

In hard working human hands wheat becomes bread, and the vineyard produces jars of celebration. In 'Holy Hands' such gifts are brought to God, blessed, and returned for our spiritual nurture and sustenance. We call this "Holy Communion," and our ministry of spiritual and physical feeding will be the focus of Sunday's ​In Holy Hands​ services. This Sunday, October 23, 2022, is also Messiah's "Food on the Fourth" Sunday. Thank you all who have been bringing your gifts for local food banks to church. Feel free to bring a grocery bag full this Sunday as well.