Messiah News

Can Wealth be held in Holy Hands?

If you have been following along the storyline from Messiah Lutheran this autumn you have been hearing a couple of reoccurring themes.First, in September Pastor Dave had the challenge of preaching on parables in Luke about rich guys.What is the challenge about rich people?Jesus seemed to frown upon wealth and we are among the richest people on earth.

A second theme has been our talk about In Holy Hands.Pastors Dave and Tom have explored the power of water, bread, and wine when connected to the Word of God and put in the Holy Hands of the congregation.In Holy Hands, the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper unleash the power to forgive sins and welcome all people as God's children.

Now this coming Sunday we will ponder the complex subject of wealth in holy hands.Can we have both? – be rich and be holy?Are wealth and salvation compatible?

Let's talk about it.See you in church on Sunday.

Doug Ruecker

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