Upcoming Events

Preschool Registration for 2021-22 begins this Saturday, Feb. 20

This will be a Drive-thru event at the Hazel Dell campus.   The 2-page Registration Update Form is for those children currently enrolled at Messiah Preschool. Registering a sibling new to Messiah? Please download the 5-page registration packet or pick one up from the preschool office. Thank you for your patronage!Registration Reminders:*F...

  525 Hits

Lenten Season Supply Bags Available

Pack include ashes for Ash Wednesday, February 17   If you missed the Drive-thru Communion, there are still two ways to get your Lenten Supplies Bag. 1. Stop by the front office of the Hazel Dell campus, Mon.-Thurs., 9:00a-noon. 2. Call (360.574.7081) or email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to have your bag personally delivered to your doo...

  701 Hits

Neighborhood Dinner Ministry Takes Shape. You can help.

Please share this opportunity with both those who might benefit by receiving a weekly dinner or assisting the ministry. An outreach to those experiencing food insecurity in our own backyards | Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? - Mt. 25:37b Messiah's local...

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Drive-thru Communion on Sunday, Feb. 7. Receive your Shrove Tuesday Party Pack, Ash Wednesday ashes, and Lenten season bag. Bring your Food on the 4th and WHO items.

Drive-thru will begin at approximately 11:00a | Messiah's pastoral team and staff members invite you to participate in a drive-thru Communion experience on Sunday, February 7, rain or shine. As the livestream of worship ends, drive to the Hazel Dell campus parking lot ... - for an in-person Holy Communion experience - to receive individual prayer f...

  637 Hits

Winter Hospitality Overflow (WHO)– Item Collection during Drive-Thru Communion, February 7

Many of our congregation have volunteered at WHO in the past. This winter, as with everything else, is different due to the pandemic. However, WHO is thriving and so are the men staying there. This is the 18th year for St Paul's Lutheran Church in downtown Vancouver to host this place for homeless men to spend the winter nights. This year, its name...

  518 Hits

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