Upcoming Events

Messiah approves call of new Pastors

Thank you to all our voting members who attended the special Call Vote Meeting held after services at the Hazel Dell campus on Sunday, June 23.  We had almost unanimous approval of the Call Letters and the Definition of Compensation forms prepared for Robyn Kistemaker and David Hively.  Those documents have been signed by our leadership t...

  979 Hits

Endowment Committee grants four requests

In the second quarter, the Endowment Committee granted four requests from the money earned on the Endowment Fund: - Two "easy access chairs" (tall chairs) will be ordered that match the ones already in the sanctuary. The four we currently have are not enough for those who need them. - The Messiah Quilters received money to purchase batting for quil...

  577 Hits

Plan to be at Messiah June 23 for Call Vote

Our pastoral candidates, were at the Hazel Dell campus for an informal "Meet and Greet" on June 13.  Many of you were able to make it, and I think everyone left feeling pleased and optimistic about our candidates! They made a point of visiting with folks at each table during the potluck.  There was so much food! Thank you all. After NOT e...

  627 Hits

VBS Prep and Decorating Opportunities June 13, July 10, July 14

It takes lots of time and hands to make VBS successful! All are welcome to help make and prep decorations for at the following times. No special skills required! Please reach out to Tori if you have any questions: torib@messiahvancouver.org.-Thursday, June 13th @10:00 AM -12:00 PM-Wednesday, July 10th @10:00 AM -12:00 PM-Sunday, July 14th @11:30 AM...

  376 Hits

Photo Slide show: Messiah Choir Concert

Messiah's Choir wrapped up the year with a concert "Someone's Singing Lord" at Messiah Hazel Dell June 9, 2024.

  488 Hits

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