Upcoming Events

Make quilts for Lutheran World Relief Tuesday mornings at Messiah Hazel Dell

The Tuesday Morning Quilters are looking for others to join in making quilts for Lutheran World Relief. They meet at church every Tuesday morning at 9:15am. All experience levels welcome. You don't have to be a Messiah member to join so please invite your friends!  

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Worship outdoors at Messiah North while the weather is nice

This weekend the weather is expected to be in the mid-80s in the area, but as everyone knows, those weather conditions won't last forever. At Messiah's North County Campus at Windy Hills Winery, guests will continue to worship outdoors while the weather is warm, but could be moving inside as weather conditions changes. The outdoor worship tent will...

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Book group continues with new name, same good reading

New Name…Same Good Reading The Book Group founded by former pastor Kathy continues with a new name. We are now Chatter Books (or Chatter Boox - spelling to be determined at our next meeting). Chatter Books is open to anyone interested in books in general or the specific book of the month. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 10 a.m. We ha...

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High school, confirmation, begin Sept. 14

Confirmation classes and high school youth get underway September 14. Both will meet at Messiah Hazel Dell.  Confirmation begins Sept. 14 at 6pm and High school at 7pm. For more information, contact Jessica Potts at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Do you have the gift of musical talent? Consider using it with the Messiah worship band

Do you have the gift of musical talent? Do you dabble with the guitar, bass or other musical instrument?  The Messiah North worship band is looking for new members! Calling all singers, guitarists, bassists, pianists, percussionists, ukulele players, fiddlers, egg shaker extraordinaires… if you play an instrument or sing and you're looking for...

  358 Hits

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