Messiah News

New Year's Resolve

I would like to add my personal "Thank You" to that of the entire staff for the wonderful Christmas Season with all of you. Thank you for your support, your various forms of service and help, and thank you for your gift of time and presence through the whole of the Advent/Christmas cycle. It's been wonderful.

By extension I wish to also thank you for the last four months - from September 1 through to today. There is an "interim" qualifier to my station as "pastor" and I keep before me always the needs and opportunities of our transition to a new, permanently called pastor for Messiah. It has been important for Pr. Tom and me to have the fall to get to know you and the rhythms of Messiah - and you have been so gracious and welcoming. Now, as 2023 dawns, it is time to get to the work of transition once again. I won't belabor the point here, but as we step into the New Year CLT Chair Rob Ramer, our Ministry Site Profile Team and I will be writing much more about our interim process work and your invitation back into it. Selah!

(Nobody actually knows what "Selah" means, but it appears at the end of verses in the book of Psalms. It's probably a musical notional like "Now the chorus again." or "Somebody shout 'Amen!' here." Who knows? It just seem fitting somehow. <g>)

Meanwhile, back at the ranch ... 

As you know the church office is closed this week. Staff has been more than burning the midnight oil and I'm pleased they can take a moment to catch their breath. Undoubtely you as well. After the first, though, things start up again fast and furious. 

  • Our Wednesday evening Confirmation and High School programming follows the Vancouver Public School calendar, so we're back in business Wednesday, Janaury 4, at 6 PM. 
  • Our Tuesday and Wednesday morning bookgroups just finished Refugias Faith by Debra Rienstra. Thank you to all who participated. Beginning Tuesday, Janaury 10, at 6 AM our Tuesday morning bookgroup will be discussing The Flag, and Cross and the Station Wagon by Bill McKibben. It's available in digital, paper and audio versons at Amazaon, and it is may also be at your local library. Chceck it out and watch for the ZOOM link in next week's Northern Highlights. We'd love to have you join us!
  • We've had a couple of different Book Studies going on Wednesdays. One of them was a 10 AM ZOOM study doing the same book at the Tuesday morning group. Our 10 AM group hasn't totally decided what to do in the New Year. There is some interest in a face to face Bible Study. If you are interested please drop me a note at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

There will be much more to come as we move into January. For now, just my personal 'thank you' and an invitation to the two studies I am privileged to lead. Have a great rest of 2022 and see you on the other side!!

Pr. Dave Brauer-Rieke

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