Preaching Series from Ephesians For the rest of the summer, beginning this Sunday, July 14, the epistle reading in our lectionary is from the Book of Ephesians. Of the total verses in Ephesians (155), nearly half (75) will be read during these seven Sundays. While authorship of this book is debated, we know it provides major teachings and exhortati...
Messiah is busy preparing the church house for the arrival of our new pastoral team. They will be living in the church house beginning around August 1. Our window of preparation time is small; therefore please consider offering help right away in the following roles: Social Media Marketing Director. We have a number of valuable items that we will b...
Dear Friends, I don't mind getting up in front of people to preach, or lead something, or to just yack - but a simple, sincere "Thank you!" is hard. However, from the bottom of my heart thank you for the privilege of serving and ministering with you during your interim journey. You rock! Pr. Tom rocks and it has been so fun to ...
As I am writing this the nation is celebrating the annual recognition of Flag Day, our preeminent emblem of national pride. "The American flag is a symbol of courage, strength, freedom, and democracy," said the American Legion National Commander Daniel Seehafer in a statement to national news. There is, of course, a whole code of respect and proper...
Thank you to all our voting members who attended the special Call Vote Meeting held after services at the Hazel Dell campus on Sunday, June 23. We had almost unanimous approval of the Call Letters and the Definition of Compensation forms prepared for Robyn Kistemaker and David Hively. Those documents have been signed by our leadership t...