Upcoming Events

Newcomers lunch May 19

Have you visited Messiah and would like to know more about the church? On May 19, after the service at Hazel Dell, you are invited to join Pastor Dave for a light lunch and a question and answer time. If you have visited either Messiah North or Hazel Dell, and you have questions about the mission or ministries of Messiah, you are invited to join in...

  679 Hits

Important updates on Gift Acceptance Policy and Endowment Fund resolution amendment for June 2, 2024 Bi-annual meeting.

Dear Messiah, We will be having the Bi-annual meeting of the congregation on Sunday June 2, 2024. This letter is to notify you of two items on the agenda of that meeting. New Gift Acceptance Policy Your Church Leadership Team (CLT) recently approved a new Gift Acceptance Policy as a Continuing Resolution of the congregation. Prior to this approval,...

  570 Hits

Messiah contemporary worship band to play at both services April 28

Messiah's motto (one congregation, multiple locations) is especially true for our contemporary musicians, who rehearse during the week at the Hazel Dell campus and lead worship every Sunday at the winery for the Messiah North service.On April 28, we will continue our quarterly practice of sharing our contemporary worship with both services. The ban...

  365 Hits

Ron Klump to be commissioned as Stephen Minister May 5

Messiah will commission Ron Klump as a new Stephen Minister on Sunday, May 5 at both services.  Brownies and blondies will be shared after the services to honor his commitment to Messiah's caring ministries. Ron has received 50 hours of specialized training in Christian caregiving, so he is prepared to help members of our congregation and...

  439 Hits

Latest Messiah Endowment Grants already in use

The most recent round of Endowment grants resulted in 4 grants given: Lenten service projects, future Mobile Children's Museum visit, matching dollars for the Fund for Leaders and lunches for the downtown Vancouver shelter 415 W 11th Street.I'm sure many of you participated in the Lenten service projects. Thank you.During consideration of the reque...

  709 Hits

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