Upcoming Events

Food on the Fourth Offering
Hits : 14

 April Food on the Fourth


The following items are those that are requested by the Lewis River Mobile Food Bank.


    • Cans of Corn
    • Cans of Stew
    • Cans of Chili 
    • Cans of Tomato Sauce
    • Applesauce cups or small containers of Applesauce
    • Boxed meals: Rice-a-roni, Hamburger Helper, Pasta Helper, etc.
    • Boxes of cold cereal


Food will be collected around the altar on Sunday, April 27th, although food may be dropped off at the church anytime during the month. 


Of course, all of the other types of food, cleaning supplies and paper products that you so generously donate are welcome as well. Thank you for all that you do to support the food banks which are helping those who are experiencing hunger insecurity in our county. In January and February, Messiah congregation donated 1,068 pounds of food to the two food banks that we serve!