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Welcome to Stewardship 2025: I'm In

Stewardship 2025: A Message of Inclusion and Stewardship

It was a joy to witness Pastor Robyn leading chapel for our preschool students last week. With the help of a delightful puppet named "Grateful," she shared the creation story, emphasizing that God has created a special place for each of us - not just physically, but in God's divine plan for the world.

This beautiful truth applies to all of us: young in body or young at heart. The same Creator who crafted the cosmos and shaped our majestic mountains has also lovingly prepared a place for you and me. It's truly humbling to consider that God chooses ordinary people like us to participate in God's mission of healing and reconciliation.

Throughout scripture, we see God's preference for working through those who feel inadequate, reminding us that God's love is unconditional and God's plan always has room for us.

Pastor Robyn leading chapel for Messiah Preschool

Our "I'm IN" Stewardship Emphasis
We're excited to launch our Fall Stewardship emphasis with the theme "I'm IN." While financial support is an aspect of stewardship, our focus this year is broader. We believe God has an inspiring vision for Messiah, and it will require the unique talents, skills, and abilities of each member of our community to bring it to fruition.

Over the coming weeks, both our Hazel Dell and Ridgefield campuses will explore how we are (IN)vited to participate in God's work. We'll discuss various ways to worship, grow in faith, serve within and beyond our church, and support our congregation financially. As part of this initiative, we encourage everyone, including our youngest members, to complete an "I'M IN" card. We each have something to contribute to this mission.

A Generous Challenge
We're thrilled to announce that anonymous donors have presented a challenge grant to our congregation. If we receive 90 completed "I'M IN" cards by the end of October, they will generously donate $4,000 to support our Vacation Bible School ministry. Your participation matters, even if you're not in a position to provide financial support at this time. We invite you to prayerfully consider how you can be "IN" and return your card to help us reach this goal.

Thank you for being an integral part of our faith community. Together, we can make a meaningful difference.


Pr. David

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