Upcoming Events

Volunteer opportunities available to prepare church house for new Pastors

Messiah is busy preparing the church house for the arrival of our new pastoral team. They will be living in the church house beginning around August 1.

Our window of preparation time is small; therefore please consider offering help right away in the following roles:

  • Social Media Marketing Director. We have a number of valuable items that we will be selling and other items we will be offering free. We need a person knowledgeable in the posting of merchandise on venues like Facebook Marketplace to head this endeavor.
  • Interior Home Cleaning Director. We already have a number of people who have volunteered to help clean. We need an individual to lead and organize this initiative.
  • Transportation Specialists. We will be donating a number of goods to local charities and need people with pickups and/or trailers to load and deliver these items.
  • Amish Furniture Expert and Sales Associate. Messiah received the donation of a beautiful Amish made dining room table and chairs. If you are familiar with this kind of furniture, your knowledge would be helpful in the valuation and the selling of this set.
  • Movers and Shakers. Some items need to be moved to the church building. Other stuff needs to be disassembled and moved. Let us know if you can help.

We need to move quickly. Please contact Doug Ruecker – 360-903-4416 or Jessica Potts at church.

Thank you.

Doug Ruecker

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