Messiah News

Messiah North has new “permanent” home at Windy Hills Winery - Services times are changing

The pastors and Church Leadership Team are pleased to announce that Messiah North now has a "permanent" worship site at Windy Hills Winery in Ridgefield. After a summer of worshiping outdoors in the event tent at Windy Hills, owner Dave Kelly, agreed to an every-Sunday rental agreement to bring the congregation indoors into the winery's great hall starting Sunday, October 3.

The move of Messiah North indoors necessitates a flip in the service order between Messiah's Sunday campuses. So, starting October 3, Messiah North will meet at 9:00a, and Hazel Dell will begin at 10:30a.

Dave Kelly and his daughter Ashley, who serves as the winery's business manager, have been exceptionally welcoming to Messiah North as COVID restrictions on worship have loosened. Messiah has been using the event tent at the winery for outdoor worship throughout the summer.

The move of Messiah North from TriMountain Golf Course to the winery is a remarkable improvement in location, placing the congregation squarely in the middle of the Ridgefield community. Everyone who worships there is enthralled by the beauty of the site and the quality of the space. And the winery's capacity is two to three times greater than Messiah North's previous worship space at the golf course. Moreover, the move is a godsend for Messiah; every school in the Ridgefield School District is now being rented on Sunday mornings by a church as that community explodes with new construction and population growth.

As we begin the new worship schedule in October, pastors and CLT members thank you in advance for helping make the transition in worship service times happen as smoothly as possible.

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