Messiah News

Synod Assembly May 5-6

What's a Synod Assembly? (For that matter, what's a "synod"?!) Well, the "Synod" is the 88 congregations and 30,000 some ELCA Lutherans in SW Washington. There are 65 synods in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and each synod is served by a bishop and the bishop's staff. Our bishop is Rick Jaech, and the Bishop's Associate is Rebecca Shjerven who visited us just a week and a half ago. One of the many things the bishop's staff does is to help congregations in call processes. But the synod does much to coordinate ministry, help with new ministry starts, tend to campus ministry sites, etc. The Synod Assembly is a gathering of representatives from our 88 congregations, campus ministry sites, prison ministry congregations, etc. The Synod Assembly gathers every other year, and is part business meeting (like a congregational meeting on steroids,) part family reunion, and part education/mission fare. 

Seeking God's Shalom

This year's Synod Assembly is May 5-6 and will be held at Messiah Lutheran Church in Auburn. The theme is "Seeking God's Shalom." Jim and Dianne Dawson, along with our pastors, will be attending the Assembly on Messiah's behalf. (Each congregation is allowed two Lay Voting Members and their pastors.) We look forward to a report on the Assembly for Dianne and Jim sometime after their return.

If you are interested in the Assembly, Bishop Jaech has prepared a 35 minute 'Pre-Assembly' Bible study which you might enjoy. There is also a 3-minute Welcome video which is really directed toward Assembly participants, but you might enjoy just 'meeting the bishop' anyway. 

If you go to the Synod Event's page you will find more on the Assembly. Please do not register for the Assembly as our Voting Members have already been assigned, but there are business and action items that might interest you - such as nominations for various Synod Committees, the Synod Budget, and a "Covenant of Care for Creation" Resolution that the Assembly will be considering. 

Mostly, I just want you all to know that we are not alone in ministry. We're partners with all sorts of other congregations here in Vancouver, around the state, and beyond. Please keep the Assembly, and the 200 or so of us who gather on your behalf, in your prayers this week.

Thank you!

Pr. Dave Brauer-Rieke

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