By Ben McCarty on Monday, 23 September 2024
Category: Messiah

Opportunity to fulfill needs for One Mile Mission Schools

With school underway, several of Messiah's One Mile Mission schools have needs that Messiah has the opportunity to help fulfill.

Steve Friebel writes:

The Messiah family has had a tradition of providing food items for the Columbia River High School Food Pantry. Each year the number of students who access the Food Pantry increases. River students will typically obtain food items for their younger family members as their schools may not have this option on their campus.

I usually sub as a principal at River a few days per month and I am always proud to hear the gratitude of River staff who work directly with these students. They are so impressed that Messiah takes such good care of their students. Whenever they thank me, my response is, "Well, that's what we are supposed to do."

Following are Items that are needed most. Thank you in advance for your care, love and help.

Additionally, Jason Lee Middle School is in need of the following items. Donations may be brought to any worship service or the church office during regular business hours. 

Jason Lee Middle School items

Thank you for your support of Messiah's One Mile Mission to help provide children attending school within one mile of both of Messiah's campuses has everything that they need to learn!