The One Mile Mission at Messiah has requests to assist with two area schools this month: Jason Lee Middle School is in need of donations for its new alternative learning portable and the Columbia River High School Care Closet has need for many shelf-stable items. Donations may be brought to any worship service or items can be dropped off in the front office during the week.
Jason Lee Middle School--New RISE (Alternative Learning) Portable
- Art Supplies (all types...paper, markers, colored pencils)
- Microwave
- Faux Plants
- Board games
Columbia River High School Care Closet
Pasta sauces
Canned Veggies (not corn)
Canned fruit
Peanut butter
Cup of noodles
Boxed mashed potatoes
Cereal (not Cheerios)
Boxed dinners
- Hamburger helper
- tuna helper
- Pasta meals
- Rice meals
- Banquet Home style bakes
- Hormel Completes