Upcoming Events

One Mile Mission Opportunity: Read Across America at Lake Shore and Eisenhower Elementary Schools

Lake Shore Elementary: Monday, March 2 (30 minute time slots available throughout the day)

Guest readers are needed to read to an elementary school classroom. You may bring one of your own favorite children's books or you can choose a book from those that are provided. If you are interested or to learn more, please contact Sharon Beavin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by February 14.

Eisenhower Elementary: Thursday, March 5. Check in begins no sooner than 8:45a

Reading in the classroom is at 9:00-9:30a. Refreshments afterwards in the library. To learn more or to sign up, please call, text, or email Jessica Potts. (608) 469-4785.

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