Messiah News

New Practices for In-Person Worship during the Omicron Surge

In response to the current Omicron COVID surge, we are adopting precautionary steps below for Sunday worship to keep everyone safe and comfortable.

  1. For the next couple of weeks, we are suspending refreshments before and after services.
  2. Holy Communion will be received using elements in pre-packaged communion packs, with worshipers remaining seated in their pews or chairs.
  3. Everyone will be strongly encouraged to social distance from their nearest neighbor while seated in the great room at the winery and sanctuary at the Hazel Dell campus.

We expect the current surge of cases will peak soon, and we believe in the next 2 to 4 weeks, these new precautionary steps will no longer be necessary. Thank you for your understanding and willingness to consider the needs of the most vulnerable within the Clark County community.

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