Messiah News

New Developments to In-Person Worship: No Sign-Up required + Masked Singing allowed

It has been such a joy to experience the return of in-person worship at Messiah's Hazel Dell the past three weeks! Thank you for observing the COVID rubrics and hanging in there with us as we try to make it as seamless as possible.  

No More Reservations
This week, and moving forward, we will experiment with no longer using the sign-up reservation form for worship—no more sign-ups. If you've already signed up for one or both of the two remaining Sundays in April, thank you. If you haven't, we welcome you just to show up. Everyone will still enter by the NW doors under the breezeway, and there will still be a quick check-in process. We will add seating in the narthex if we exceed the current COVID limit inside the sanctuary, approximately 70 worshipers.

Singing Allowed
Additionally, we're moving from humming to singing in the sanctuary. Recently released mandates from Governor Inslee's office allow for congregants' singing when three-layered surgical masks are worn. If you don't have one or are unsure about the mask you have, we have oodles of them at church and will be pleased to supply you with one when you arrive.

We hope to see you this coming Sunday. Below are comments from those who already have attended:

I was emotionally moved just to be back in our church setting. I felt very safe and very grateful to be there. - Nancy

The Messiah staff and CLT did a great job with all the safety measures. But most of all, it felt so good to be back that I had to fight the urge to stand up and cheer for our church community and its leaders! - Mark

... last Sunday was wonderful for me ... and my entire family. Being back in the sanctuary - in person - felt so natural, and SO GOOD! I appreciated all of the efforts Messiah Staff have taken to keep people safe ... and it was so nice to see fellow members again - in person! - Kari

It was a great feeling being able to worship once again in the sanctuary! It definitely filled a void that has been there since the beginning of the pandemic. -Randy and Jennifer 

My first day back to church today was so wonderful, thank you! I realized how much I have been missing. The music brought tears. - Diana

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