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Lenten Special Collection to benefit Lutheran Disaster Response and Christ the Shepherd Lutheran Church in Altadena, Calif.

Eaton Fire damage in Altadena, via Cal Fire.

This Lent, Messiah will be collecting funds during Lent to assist those affected by the wildfires in California. The funds collected will be shared between Lutheran Disaster Response and Christ the Shepherd Lutheran Church, an ELCA church in Altadena, California.

Christ the Shepherd is a congregation on the front lines of the disaster and is working hard to rebuild the area. Our church leadership team has set aside funds and we are submitting an endowment fund application for matching funds to what the congregation can raise.

You can offer your donations on Wednesdays or online.

If you give during another time please be certain to have it in an envelope marked or make a note in the memo indicating: "Lenten Collection."

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