Messiah News

Pastors' Blog: How do we respond?

This coming Sunday, February 11, is known as the ​Sunday of the Transfiguration.​ Our Gospel Lesson is the story of a vision seen by three of Jesus' disciples - Peter, James and John. The vision was of Jesus transfigured into a glowing, bright white, luminous figure - appearing with the Old Testament prophet Elijah and Moses. Perhaps you know the story. You can read it in Mark 9:2-9.

The disciples are confused by this vision. They don't know how to behave in the shadow of such an experience. I'm not sure I would have either. But what's most interest to me is the fact that having appeared, Moses and Elijah then ​dis​appear leaving only Jesus and his disciples. And then there is a voice from heaven, ​"This my Son, the Beloved. Listen to him!"​​ All their lives these disciples have been taught to listen the Moses - the Law - and Elijah - the prophets. Now this!

So this Sunday . . . The question is "To whom do we listen? And why?" The question is one of "continuity" and "​dis​continuity" in our lives. The old - what was and has been - can only stretch so far in changing times. When does the rubber band break?

And then what?

Pr. Dave Brauer-Rieke

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