Messiah News

Help make a difference with Winter Hospitality Overflow

Greetings People of Messiah,

It's WINTER, and it's cold outside!

Messiah committed to help support the Winter Hospitality Overflow (WHO) program in Vancouver over 20 years ago. WHO is an overflow shelter providing additional capacity for individuals and families in our community who are currently experiencing homelessness and need to get in from the outside on any given night during the coldest months, from November 1 to March 31. 

The WHO operates a shelter for 45 women and families at St. Andrew Lutheran Church, as well as a shelter for 25 men at St. Paul Lutheran Church. The WHO is an interfaith and community-supported program where guests are offered a warm place to sleep, a hot shower, a meal, and the welcome and warmth of a caring community working to address the most basic human needs. Volunteers are critical to the program.

Information follows about how to volunteer.


Family Shelter at St. Andrew Lutheran Church (Orchards area):

Volunteers extending hospitality to people facing extreme challenges is foundational to the Winter Hospitality Overflow program, and it continues to be the most valuable contribution that volunteers like yourself bring to the women, children, and families that stay at St. Andrew overnight.

Volunteer responsibilities vary depending on the day and time of shift. All volunteer shifts require a background check. Currently, there are two shifts and meal opportunities:

  • 6:15 – 8:30 am: (2-4) volunteers are needed to assist guests in the kitchen, hand out brown bag lunches, and clean up after the morning meal.
  • 6:30 – 9 pm: (3-4) Volunteers are needed to welcome guests for the evening, serve the evening meal, prepare brown bag lunches, prep for laundry service, and collaborate with the Share Engagement Specialist.
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays: On these two days, we have laundry responsibilities and break down/reset the gym, which requires extra volunteers.
  • Each evening, we need (2) crock pot-size meals [15-20 servings]. Delivery is between 6 and 6:15 pm to St Andrew. There is a bell to the right of the front door to alert staff you are there. You can pick up crockpots Monday through Thursday, 9 am – 1 pm, or any evening after 6 pm. Guests also appreciate fresh fruit – nothing too crunchy, as dental care is not widely available. Also, microwavable breakfast sandwiches are a great treat. In general, anything extra is always greatly appreciated.

Visit the WHO website to sign up:

Please feel free to contact Brenda Gardner for help at 360-601-9258.

Thank you!

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