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Endowment Committee matches congregation giving to ELCA Fund for Leaders

The Endowment Committee met March 22 and decided to allocate $2000 to match whatever the congregation gives to the Fund for Leaders.

Fund for Leaders is money being collected at the Wednesday Lenten services and also the services for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. This money is used to help fund students at ELCA seminaries. The ELCA is terribly short of pastors now and more students are needed.

The endowment committee wants to encourage the congregation to give to this Fund by offering to match their gifts.

The Endowment Committee has money to award to great ideas for spreading the Kingdom of God to Local or Global ministries and missions and also for extraordinary programs and capital improvements at the church.

New grant proposals are always welcome to be reviewed.

The next deadline for grant submission is May 24 for approval to be sought from the CLT at the June meeting.

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