Messiah News

Brewed Theology - 05.14.2020 - Cleaning Up after Covid

The life-changing magic of thoughtful post-pandemic living.  

One-time-only on Thursday, May 14, 2020   
7:00-8:30p (you may arrive as early as 6:00p)

RSVP registration required. Click here to register.

Marie Kondo popularized the idea of keeping only those things that bring you joy and getting rid of the rest. We've lost a lot during these days of coronavirus, top among our losses—normalcy. But what if we've discovered (or rediscovered) some things that have brought us joy, things worth holding on to? As the country reopens, there will be no shortage of those calling us to live our lives just as they were pre-pandemic, as if it didn't happen, or need not be remembered. At this Brewed Theology, we will consider our losses, as well as our gains during this pandemic pause, and contemplate the new normal we want before the spin doctors, and marketing masters come at us full force.

Yeah, it's the same but different — Brewed Theology, Zoom style.
This is an online, social distancing appropriate, bring your own beverage event. The event will have the same flow and format as our in-pub experience with a large group opening, small "table groups" of six working through table prompts, and a large group Q and R with Dr. McGuiness.

Special guest presenter - The Rev. Dr. Denise McGuiness
The Rev. Dr. Denise McGuiness is a retired licensed psychologist and a certified spiritual director. She practiced in the Vancouver area for 35 years. She is also an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church, having received her Master of Divinity from Methodist Theological School in Ohio in May 2004. Dr. McGuiness now provides spiritual direction, one-day workshops, group retreats, and training programs through Living Tree Ministries based in her new hometown of Wenatchee, WA.

Invite Guests
The moniker for all Brewed Theology events is "What church looks like." As we continue to discover where God is working ahead of us outside the walls of the church, we encourage you to consider this and all BT events as opportunities for authentic connection to the Messiah community and the Messiah. Please share the registration link with your friends. This Brewed Theology is open to 100 participants!

Preparatory Homework
Intern Pr. Taran and Pr. Peter will send the links to preparatory homework in a separate email to the email address you use to register. These links will go out 7 days or so in advance of the event. Please share the links with each person for whom you register.

We hope to see you at this very special Brewed Theology via Zoom on May 14.
Feel free to arrive as early. We will open the large group Zoom room at 6:00p.

Beers and blessings to you, 
Team BT - Pr. Peter and Intern Pr. Taran

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