Upcoming Events

A Week of Meals for the Homeless at WHO

You are invited to participate!  

You are invited to help feed 25 men for six days at the Winter Hospitality Overflow shelter housed at St Paul's Lutheran Church in downtown Vancouver. Our dates, to supply dinner only, are Monday, March 22 through Saturday, March 27.

On average, each night we'll need about ten people to volunteer to purchase and/or cook to provide a complete meal. If you have computer access, you are encouraged to use Sign Up Genius to indicate what you'd like to bring. Click here » Alternatively, you can call Brenda Gardner (360-601-9258) or Hope Quinn (360-314-2737) and they will be happy to let you know what's available and sign you up. There will be main dishes in crockpots (there is no oven at St Paul's LC), salads, fruit, and desserts. Brenda and Hope have established menus that are known to be popular among the men.

You may bring your donated food to the church (NOTE:office is only open 9a-noon, Mon.-Thurs.) and leave it on the table in the narthex UNDER THE APPROPRIATE DATE sign or in the refrigerator, if necessary. Please put your name on the food for cross referencing. You may also bring the food to Messiah's parking lot by 5:30p the day it's needed and meet Brenda or Hope.

Each evening, the collected food will be driven to St Paul's before 6p. Workers at the shelter will take the food from the back of the car and take it inside.No one from our church will enter the shelter. Used crockpots will be picked up the following night and returned to their owners.

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