Upcoming Events

Godly Play Training June 29 at 1p at Messiah Hazel Dell

This Wednesday, Messiah will host a short, in-person Godly Play training. If you are interested in learning more about the Godly Play method and volunteering in the future, you are invited to try it out! If you have previously volunteered with Godly Play sessions, this will make a great refresher course. All are welcome to join in at Messiah's Haze...

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Worship together June 26

All guests are invited to worship together on June 26th. Both campuses will be worshiping together at the 10:30a service at Messiah Hazel Dell. The 10:30a service will be the only Messiah worship service that day.

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Ministry Site Profile forums June 19 after worship, team requests your feedback in surveys

Ministry Site Profile forums for the Pastoral Transition process will be having forums after worship June 19 at both Messiah Hazel Dell and Messiah North campuses. The Ministry Site Profile team is also requesting feedback in through online surveys for the Pastoral Transition Process.  You will find links to both an original survey, as well as...

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One Mile Mission in action to celebrate grads, end of school year

One Mile Mission Volunteers have had a very busy week honoring graduates and helping One Mile Mission Schools celebrate the end of the school year. Last Friday, several volunteers served breakfast to graduates at Columbia River High School. That evening a group volunteered at the Eisenhower Elementary end of the school year dance. On Tuesday, Messi...

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Endowment Committee Dispersal Story – Buddy Bench at Lake Shore Elementary

A "buddy bench" is sometimes called a friendship bench. It's a fairly new concept to foster inclusion and reduce loneliness among children. The bench is placed on the playground. When a child sits on the bench, it signals to all other children that that person is looking for a friend. Shy children, children new to the school, or children with ...

  372 Hits

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