In so many respects, 2020 has been one of those years we will remember for all the wrong reasons. Fill in the blank with your own. Despite the difficulties of this year, Messiah continues to be a community that worships and welcomes passionately, teaches and engages faithfully, serves generously, and comforts compassionately. "We are what he has ma...
Messiah is providing a full slate of live-streamed Christmas Eve worship opportunities throughout the day from the Hazel Dell campus sanctuary. Pick the time that works best for you. 10:00am Traditional Carols and Candlelight Servicedirect link to service »5:00pm Families with Young Children Service, which includes an at home pageantdirect link to ...
Aqua and Advent on Wednesdays of AdventJoin Pastor Kathy and Intern Pastor Maggie this Advent season for a reflective walk. Get out in creation, listen, and enjoy God's presence. Our theme will be "Aqua & Advent: a stream of reflections as we wade into wandering waters." Join us on Wednesday's at 1:00p. We will meet, read a brief reflection, an...
We invite you to share photos of the nativity sets in your home for everyone at Messiah to enjoy. Simple, elaborate, humorous, gaudy, big, small, we want them all. It will be an expression of how we're all bringing the Christ child home this Christmas season. We plan to share your photos with first name and last name initial attribution (...
Drive-thru will begin at approximately 11:00a | Messiah's pastoral team and staff members invite you to participate in a drive-thru Communion experience this Sunday, December 20, rain or shine. As the livestream of worship ends, drive to the Hazel Dell campus parking lot ... - for an in-person Holy Communion experience- to receive ...