Messiah News

You are invited try connecting with worship services in a whole new way in the A/V booth

Have you ever dreamed of operating sound and light boards? Of making sure the church looks and sounds its best during services? Of running a broadcast?Messiah is looking for volunteers to help out in the A/V booth! No experience necessary. Full training provided. Come learn new skills and connect with worship services in a whole new way!Call the of...

  233 Hits

Messiah Choir rehearsals resume July 20

The Messiah Choir is back in action!The choir will resume rehearsing July 20 at 7pm. That rehearsal and a rehearsal on July 27 will be to prepare for a memorial service on August 13.. Following that, the choir will continue to rehearse regular Sunday anthems on Wednesdays at 7pm starting Aug 3. Everyone is welcome to be be a guest and try...

  375 Hits

RSVP for Pastors' celebration!

Celebrate good times, come on! The flyer below contains details for Peter and Kathy Braafladt's retirement celebration on August 28th. Please RSVP using this Google form. As a token of our gratitude for Peter and Kathy, Messiah is giving them the gift of a travel fund for their retirement.  Your donation, however small or large, is always welc...

  940 Hits

Vacation Bible School seeks snacks

The Messiah Vacation Bible School team is seeking snack donations for Vacation Bible School.  Snacks items can be brought to Messiah during office hours or to any worship service. Snacks items needed no later than July 24. See the sheet below for requested snack items. You may also sign up online using this form to help avoid any snack duplica...

  311 Hits

August 31 Next deadline for Endowment Committee Funds

Grant Requests for funds from the Endowment Committee will be considered next at their meeting on Thursday, Sept 1. That means that all formal requests must be submitted by Wednesday, August 31. Both these dates are right before Labor Day weekend.  The Leadership Team will be meeting on the Tuesday after the holiday and all grant requests reco...

  353 Hits

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