Messiah News

Can-Am Book group continues reading 'Seeing Gray in a Black and White World' January 4

The Can-Am Book group will continue reading Part III of "Seeing Gray in a Black and White World" by Adam Hamilton and will be meeting Wednesday mornings at 9:00 am via Zoom beginning January 4.  Contact is Julie Backous, 360-910-2022. 

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Notice to Members of the Congregation on vote for revising constitution

Notice to Members of the Congregation: The ELCA, in Churchwide Assembly, has approved revisions to the constitution of the Church. Messiah Lutheran Church has our Annual Meeting called for February 5, 2023, during which we will need to vote on revising our constitution to conform to that of the Southwestern Washington Synod. Link to constitution as...

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Chatter books begins new year Jan. 4 to discuss 'The Light Between Oceans'

The Chatter Books book group (formerly Pastor Kathy's book group) has been meeting continuously for the last nine years, maintaining contact via Zoom during the pandemic.  They have read nearly 100 books during their tenure from many different genres, which include the classics, mysteries, fiction and non fiction and have explored some of the ...

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Leah Gonzales joins Messiah staff

Leah Gonzalez is Messiah's new Administrative Assistant. She will be in the front office Monday - Thursday from 9am - Noon.  Please welcome Leah! 

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A Good Start To A New Year!

For the earliest Christians, Sunday, the day of the resurrection, was both the first day of the week and the eighth day, a day somehow outside of normal time. The practice of celebrating a church festival for a full eight days goes back to the 6th century. In the past, this eighth day of Christmas commemorated also Jesus' circumcision, his entry in...

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