Upcoming Events

MLC 2024 Pledge Campaign:

Live GenerouslyWealth in Holy Hands logo

Trust in God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.
Do good. Be rich in good works. Be generous and ready to share.

1 Timothy 6: 17-18


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2024 Annual Pledge to Messiah’s Operating Fund

Through your gifts, we will support and strengthen our ministry in 2024 as we live generously.

pdfStewardship Letter

In gratitude for God’s many blessings and in support of the Messiah Lutheran Church "Live Generously" Campaign, I/we plan to commit:

per week for 52 weeks or Invalid Input
per month for 12 months or Invalid Input
per quarter for 4 quarters or Invalid Input
semi-annually Invalid Input
& Invalid Input
or Invalid Input
one-time gift Invalid Input
Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Helpful resources for you to consider as you make your Annual Pledge

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