Upcoming Events

Lent in Wonder Children's program
Hits : 125

Throughout the season of Lent, Wednesdays at Messiah will look a little different.

 One of these changes is that our Wednesday children/youth programs are on a break until after Easter. In lieu of Godly Play, we are excited to offer a children's program that will allow kids an opportunity to engage with the season of Lent in a meaningful and creative way.

All children ages 3 years old-5th grade are invited to participate in Messiah's  children's Lenten program: Lent in Wonder. This program is designed to be a fun and contemplative way to help kids get ready for Easter. Every week will be unique, and will contain a combination of Godly Play stories, other books and stories, arts and crafts, play time, and more.

Lent in Wonder will take place on Wednesdays (February 21st - March 20th) from 4:30-5:15 pm in the Godly Play classroom #105 at Messiah Hazel Dell. 

After signing out at 5:15 pm, all are welcome and encouraged to enjoy a delicious meal at the Soup Supper in the lower level dining hall. All are also welcome to attend the Holden Evening Prayer service from 6:00-6:30 pm, and participate in a service project from 6:30-7:00 pm each week.

If you have any questions about the Lent in Wonder program, please contact Tori Beavin: torib@messiahvancouver.org.