Messiah News

I’m In! Invited – Involved - Intentional

 American singer Dobie Gray recorded a song in 1965 that propelled him into becoming a known name among Rhythm & Blues recording artists. Ramsey Lewis later that year created an instrumental jazz version of that same song. It too became a big hit and launched Ramsey and his Trio into the circle of successful musicians with top 10 records. 

The name of the song? The 'In' Crowd. Interestingly, a song about being in the In Crowd successfully thrust two different artists into the 'In Crowd' of recording artists.

The In Crowd – Messiah Lutheran

We are in God's 'In Crowd.' Scripture is clear that God chose us before we were born to be part of this group.The first big IN: God INCLUDES us as His children.

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide.

John 15:16


He chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. He destined us in love to be his children through Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 1:4-5


 Being in God's In Crowd comes with expectations to act like In Crowd people. For Christians that means bearing good fruits. In the church, we call it Stewardship: How we use our time, talents, and treasures.

October is Stewardship month at Messiah and our emphasis this year is INviting everyone to become INvolved and to make an INtentional commitment of support to Messiah and its many ministries. Your support can take on different looks; financial, volunteering, prayer, spiritual growth, worship participation. The key is to commit – say I'm In. Become part of the IN Crowd.

Challenge Grant

Messiah Lutheran congregation currently has approximately 150 consistent giving units (households). Using this number, a challenge grant has been made by two anonymous households – Get 60% (90 giving units) to complete an I'm In commitment card and they will donate $4000 to support Messiah's Vacation Bible School ministry.Thank you to these generous grant makers for saying I'm ALL IN.

Now comes your part.Complete an I'M IN card.Intentionally say yes – I want to be involved in the life of the Messiah community.Complete a paper I'm IN card and return it to the offering plate or click on the link below to complete the card online.

Thank you for being In with the In Crowd at Messiah.

Doug Ruecker,

Financial Secretary

I'm in with the 'In Crowd', I go where the 'In Crowd" goes;I'm in with the 'In Crowd", I know what the 'In Crowd' knows.

The In Crowd –written by Billy Page

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